Perkembangan TIK yang semakin pesat mendorong pemanfaatan teknologi pendukung seperti smart carf fan radio frequency identification (RFID) untuk dapat diintegrasikan dalam penerapan luas di kehidup…
Buku Peran Badan Informasi Publik Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika menuju Government Public Relation ini disusun dan diterbitkan guna memberikan data sekaligus informasi mengenai kondisi dan …
This book contain about some preliminaries (manager, profits, and markets), demand analysis, production and cost analysis, profit maximization in various market structures, advanced topics in manag…
This book contain about : the fundamentals of managerial economics, market forces: demand and suply, quantitative demand analysis, the theory of individual behaviour, the production process and cos…
Human resource management 12e provides authoritative information on HR-related responsibilities through practical applications, concepts, and techniques that all managers can use in business.
This book divided into three part. Part 1 describes human services, Part 2 focuses on the participants in the divery of human services-the helper and the client-and includes new information about c…